Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Awesome Time.......

We had such an awesome time on our trip. Time with family and just being with each other in a confined space as Corky says it. We celebrated our 37 years together at a Wendys.As when we put in the gps a steakhouse it was closed down when we got there. Then we tried to rely on our own navigation in Little Rock, we ended up in a really bad neighborhood and Corky says we need to get out of here fast or we might get shot. Really was bad. So we quick put in the motels address and a wendys was right there. we learned what a bellywasher was and you could order a croppie casserole if you wanted in some places. So how you all doing today? Just love that. We learned big time that people in other states have a good attitude. Not here. Blast the horn and get out of my way. No wonder people have nervous breakdowns here. just drive on the freeway for a bit.We even had to sleep on a mattress that had a hole in it. Felt like we were reliving that Lucy show where she tied herself to the side of the bed. I was pissed because we were so tired and then that.So when I complained in the morning The guy thought I was complaining that the bed wasn't hard enough. Who knew a hole in a mattress was not a hard bed. Haha. By the way so that none of you hit that place it was in Flagstaff, Arizona at the Fairfield inn by marriot..But in spite of it all. Oh and Corky got bit by a ton of fleas in Arkansas from his waist down so when we got home we went to urgent care. So he could get relief from the itching. One guy at Church said good grief looks like they had big lips and sucked the juice right out of you. Looked awful. We kept in touch with my parents via email because my dad was having such a time after the gallbladder operation. They have since found another stone in his duct and now he is on the mend. But my dad called the other day and he had to take mom in because she was having series of mini strokes. She is back home and we hope and pray that both of them are on the mend from this seemingly endless pain and suffering. Pray for God's healing touch to be with them both.We sure missed the kids and grandsons while we were gone. We watched them for a bit while Kim and Chris went to the demo derby. They always come up with soemthing and we have such a hard time to keep from chuckling. Just love them little ones to pieces.So precious.Thanks to everyone for Blessed time. Family is just the greatest ever. Blessings to all. Corky and Kay


Haf Dozen Reasons....... said...

Was soo nice to meet the two of you!!! Someday we will make it to CA......

Zach will be struggling with this heat issue til it cools off in the fall doc has informed me! With heat stroke it takes longer to get over it I am learning.
We may have to chain the doors shut on the shop!!! REALLY! Its his hangout. Where he restored his '71 pickup. Where his friends stop by first to see if he's out there before ever coming to the house. Sometimes they figure he isnt home if he's not in the shop!! lol

Take your time with the disc as he wont be home til the wedding at the end of the month to get it anyway! Next stop...when school begins in Aug. He is stuck in WY!! In an air conditioned tractor. good place for him.

We had lots of chigger bites. We itched like crazy til we went swimming by Minneapolis then the chlorine helped most of us. Daryl and Clark still dealing with the lil buggers tho. What did they give Corky to help the bites?

Hope all is well with your parents! It seems to be a constant struggle with each of them! Tell them hello from us!

Haf Dozen Reasons....... said...

Boy I was chatty!!! lol

Corky and Kay said...

They gave Corky a cream. a corticosteroid. called triamcinolone acetonide. He had to see the dermatologist last night for a spot on his head and she looked and said we can put it on 3 times a day. They also gave him a pill. like a strong version of benadryl but he took that only once. Knocked him clean out and he was sorta out of itwhen he was awake. He has to be alert at work so that wasn't a good pill for him.Corky wondered if anyone else got bit. It sure chewed him up.The dermatolgist said if you scratch them then it takes way longer to get rid of. Hmmmmm.

PEM Cell Hydrogen said...

I bet you have chigger bites, not fleas. They can really get you, they especially like new blood. The longer you are here you get immune or something. Sorry they got you.
But sounds like your trip was fun.
Praying for your parents.