Monday, October 11, 2010

good grief... It turned hot again.....

Just was so nice the cooler weather. Then it got hot. Was 100 again yesterday. Corky went on the motorcycle ride to Solvang by himself. I decided to not go this time.They still had I think he said 13 bikes. We are doing ok. Mom is doing ok and she still has the patches on her face that are slowly falling off by themselves. Dad underwent another sleep apnea test. He has seen a lung doctor. He really isnt getting any better. Has hard time to breathe. The lung doctor gave him a pill to take and a thing to puff on once a day. But it does not seem to help. The doc thought he has chronic lung. Keep them both in prayer as i am sure it is not good feeling to not be able to get a breathe of air. Kim and Chris are doing ok. Miss them little sweet potaters so i call them little grandkids. Miss Kim and Chris to. Corky will get up and say lets just get in the car and drive up there. Such a grandpa he is. Work is ok. Try not to let the things get to me. Have a blessed day.


PEM Cell Hydrogen said...

Good to hear from you. I have not been on the computer much lately, just too busy.
Keeping your parents in prayer. Mine are also feeling the problems of age. Moved my Dad into a nursing home in Jan. and my Mom into an assisted living home last month. She is very happy with the move.

Kath said...

Glad to hear from you again.
Labored breathing would be a horrible feeling.
Been VERY dry here which is great for the harvesting but my allergies have hit a new high. The dust is everywhere. Hope this harvesting is over SOON.