Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Just taking it easy........

We have been getting rain here and there. Love the rain. Kim and Chris are trying to rent there house here so they can move up to Redding. Mom and dad are doing pretty good. Mom had one cataract done and is waiting to get the other done. Dad has been having them sharp pains again. So to just convince him to go in. Corkys daughter Nicki and grandson Ryan are having rough time. Ryan has not been able to start the rounds of new treatment because he keeps having high fever etc. They think it might be virus. Corky is doing good. Been eating mostly veggies and fresh fruit so it has helped get his Aic down for his diabetes. I was in emergency room other night till 3 in the morning. I had a blood clot above my knee. Sure don't feel good. Go to the vascular surgeon on Friday to see what they want to do.So other than that we are hanging in there. Hope everyone is good. Have a Blessed Day.

1 comment:

Kath said...

There is alot going on in your life right now!!
The blood clot sounds scary and painful!!
Hope the lil guy is feeling better by now.