Monday, October 13, 2008

Its a blustery day

Wow are the winds blowing! Makes for alot of sneezing and always can tell when its going to be santa anas at work. The kids are just wild and loud and it causes build-up of ear wax big time.We always hate when the winds come.Nothing much else going on. Just been trying to clean and get some things done around here. Keep Chris in your prayers while he is undergoing the needle biopsy of his lymph node in his throat.Ask God's healing hands on him so their is nothing wrong. Also Corky got a phone call from his middle daughter of previous marriage. Has not heard from them in 15 years or so. Their choice.His youngest from that marriage and her son of 5 years old are going thru chemo and blood transfusions for the 2nd time for hodgkins and luekemia. Lift them up in prayer and ask for God's healing hands on them.God Bless your day.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We will be lifting you and yours up in prayer. You have alot going on right now. Hang in there.