Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Ready For Fall

It was way cooler...but the heat came back.The wind was blowing today.Reminded me of the Winnie the Pooh movies. Except it wasn't blustery out.Work has been ok. Our lunch count is way lower so far. They said because their are way less kids enrolled. So we are keeping our fingers crossed we don't lose hours.Not much else going on.God Bless.


Just us Belds said...

Hope your daughter if doing better, our prayers are with all of you.:)

Corky and Kay said...

Thank you for the prayers. Our daughter Kim is doing fine. The Kim in the prayer request is my neice. My brother Jim's daughter-in-law.She was able to get home now and is prgressing nicely. I think she has to be off for 2 weeks and then be able to return to work.Keep her in your prayers. She will have this chrone's thing all her life.