Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Update on my dad, Case

My dad went to the Heart specialist and got his results. Wonderful news. There is nothing wrong except for a couple tiny leaky valves. He has been taking statins for cholestorol. My dad stopped taking them about 3 weeks back and he is feeling much better. The doc said to stop taking them altogether. My dad had trouble with them before as they made his muscles in his legs hurt really bad. So he can't take them at all. Like he is allergic or has reaction to them. And the mri and brain scan showed no parkinsons. Such Wonderful news.Just a huge Blessing from God. My dad was worried they were going to take his drivers license. That is his lifeline. He loves to drive.And mom thought ,what am I going to do with dad pouting he can't drive. Love to all. Love Corky and Kay

1 comment:

Jayne said...

I am so happy to hear that everything turned out okay! PRAISE GOD!!!!!