Wednesday, March 17, 2010


One of the baby hummingbirds got into the garage and in the rafters and couldnt find its way out. The mama kept calling it from the tree and the baby would answer but it just couldnt get out. That made me sad. Poor baby. Kim and the kids made it home safely. Long trip by herself. I called mom and dads biopsy of his esopgagus was ok. He has to watch his diet more closely. Mom is getting better. They both had caught a nasty cold or flu and of course that affects moms vertigo. The motorcycle ride went ok. Long day on my behind. It was numb down there for 3 days. Santa Barbara was really nice. The traffic coming home though was awful on the freeway. I hate bumper to bumper in a car much less than on a motorcycle. The floorboard in the car probably is close to being pushed out from me but what do you push on a bike.? So I just watched the back of his helmet. Oh well. Work is going fairly well. Got yelled at yesterday by a man who was doing a presentation for history in the multipurpose room. I was making to much noise doing the dishes. Who knew?????? You have to go like crazy to get done in a certain amount of time alloted and so you start slinging them pans right?? Hahahahaha. Have a Blessed Day.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Ready to leave the nest.....

I just love watching them baby hummingbirds. I just wonder how they stay in that little walnut size nest. They are sticking way above the top and flutter their wings. Just love that. My boss was off for few days. So I dealt with a sub. Was really nice to work with someone pleasant. I am still trying to get my back and hips feeling ok. Sure takes awhile . We are watching Kim's dogs for this week while she is up in Redding by Chris. I found some different molds for candy so will try my luck at that.. We are going to go on a ride with the Motorcycle Fellowship from Church on saturday to Santa Barbara. Should be a nice ride. Long but nice.See how my behind feels after....Have a Blessed day.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010


The little babies have hatched. How fun it is to watch the mama feeding them. She is so busy. I am trying to nurse my hip back . It went out on Monday. Starting to feel better. Of course the bosses are not pleased I am off yesterday and today.My dad had a biopsy done in his esophagus and they took 2 polyps out of his stomach. Should find out in couple weeks the results. He has been having that bile come up again at night. Mom is slowly recovering from another thing of vertigo. Keep them in your prayers. Our trip went ok. Was a Blessing to meet Ryan and to see Nicki again after 26 years. Keep them in prayers as Ryan is going to be going thru extensive treatment for cancer. It is in his bone marrow now. Have a Blessed day.